A Friendly University - Warsaw School of Computer Science

A Friendly University

A friendly university means putting the student and his/her broadly understood student welfare FIRST.

We create an educational environment in which students are provided with optimal conditions for studying with a modern IT infrastructure and software, a library that is best stocked with IT items in Warsaw with access to the largest digital library in Poland – Biblio, a flexible system of academic education (ESKA), access to career counselling, extensive opportunities for additional professional development options in the form of training and workshops, as well as participation in national and international projects.

A friendly university also means partner relations with students, who are co-creators of the University’s position and brand (see link) on the educational market, as well as support and kindness from administration and service staff. It is also a wide range of opportunities for the student government to act for the benefit of the academic community and, finally, to maintain relations with alumni who support the University after graduation.

WSCS Program Conference 5/09/2020 – Graduates’ Debate