Open Days – Master’s degree in Computer Science programmes

We would like to invite you to the Open Days – Master’s studies 2024/25

Open days of master’s studies are a series of meetings devoted to the presentation of master’s specialisations offered to candidates in the academic year 2024/25. The meetings are conducted by specialisation managers, supported by a student of a given specialisation.

During each meeting, the leader presents general information about the master’s degree programme offered at WSCS and the characteristics of the specialisation in question – the programme of specialisation subjects, methods of education, the graduate profile and employment opportunities and career paths after completing the specialisation.

During the meeting, issues concerning the possibility for candidates who have completed their bachelor’s degree in fields other than computer science are also discussed. WSCS has developed a special introductory programme for these candidates to reskill for a master’s degree in computer science. Master’s studies are conducted in English and are available to foreigners as well as Polish citizens.

The meeting is attended by staff from the recruitment office, who provide information on the recruitment procedure and offer a short tour of the University.

Schedule of Master’s Studies Open Days 2024

Master’s degree in Computer Science in English: