ML in PL + Warsaw.AI Meetup (AI & Education)

Do you want to learn more about the future of AI (Artificial Intelligence) in education and how can education help prepare future generations for AI?

This joint event of Warsaw.AI and the ML in PL Association will bring discussion on the intersection of the AI and Education domains like no other.

JUNE 12 · 6:00 PM

With speakers from Warsaw universities and the organizers of the Polish Olympiad in AI, we will learn potentially opposing views on the future of the role of AI in education and discuss how we can teach future generations to use AI in all professions, not only among engineers.

The event will take place at room 105 in Warsaw School of Computer Science (Lewartowskiego 17)

The talks and panel discussion will be held in English with Polish translation captions provided.

The agenda will be as follows:

17:45 – 18:00: Welcome
18:00 – 18:30: Andrew Tuson, WSCS (“ARISA: Fast-Tracking AI Skills in the EU”)
18:30 – 19:00: Paulina Tomaszewska, Olympiad in AI / Olimpiada AI (“Story behind the 1st Polish Olympiad in AI”)
19:00 – 19:30: Marek Cygan, University of Warsaw (“Lessons learned from setting up Machine Learning programme at MIM UW – challenges and opportunities”)
19:30 – 20:00: Discussion Panel, moderated by ML in PL
20:00 – Networking and Afterparty with pizza

See the Meetup website for details